Frequently asked questions



How are your programs different from the ones I see on social media?

Cookie cutter programs, like the ones commonly found on social media, are designed to make you fail. Their short-term results are intentional. They want you to keep coming back for more. Not me. I will help you develop the tools to sustain a healthy lifestyle for life.

How do I access your on-demand library of workout videos?

After signing up for my Lifestyle Fitness Program, you will be granted access to the complete library of on-demand videos, so you can workout how you want, when you want, where you want.

How long will it take for me to see results?

Every person and every body is different. We all respond to workouts and nutrition in different ways. The most important thing I want you yo remember is that the results you see will not be fleeting. My programs will provide you with long-term, sustainable results, so you can be fit, healthy, and energized for life.

I recently gave birth. Is your program safe for me?

First of all, congratulations! As a mom of three, I understand the challenges of starting or re-starting a fit lifestyle after giving birth. Before starting any fitness program, you should consult with your doctor to ensure that both you and your body are ready.

Do I need a gym membership or gym access for your program?

No. Many of my on-demand workouts can be completed using only body weight or a set of dumbbells. For my 1:1 coaching program, I will customize any workouts to fit with the equipment you have available.

Iā€™m scared to start. Do you have any advice?

Trust me, I get it. We all want to feel confident in our skin. After you take that first step and begin one of my programs, I promise you that I will work with you every step of the way to develop the confidence you need to continue down the path to a healthy lifestyle.

Ready to get started?

Check out the programs to see which may be the best fit for you. Have questions? You can always set up a consultation call directly with Caitlin. Schedule time with her using the button below.